Tending to the Garden


You have to get organized, Vinnie!

My dad seared these words into my brain when I was a teenager. I didn't understand them at the time, or maybe I didn't want to understand. But not being organized has bitten me in the ass more times than I can count. I've been trying to get better at it, and in no way can I say I'm great at it, but I am trying new things.

Digital Gardening

For a long time, I just dumped my stuff into folders and never looked at them again. I've been carrying a lot of junk! Junk I never even looked at after it was created or used! So I'm trying to clear that stuff out. I thought it would be useful one day, but it hasn't. I didn't need it.


Paperwork is a mess, frequently. There are times where I have avoided getting the mail so it doesn't add to the pile. I'm better now about just processing it. But I have a folder of stuff from the past year that needs a pass through. And most of my bills are paid automatically, but I still need to keep track of them. And it always seems like there are more of those than I can track!


The best way I've found to be organized at work is:

  1. Review the list of work to be done when you begin your day.
  2. Sort it by (time/importance/whatever criteria is important to you)
  3. Work on each item top to bottom.
  4. Cross the items off as you go.
  5. When the day ends, review your complete items.
  6. Move your incomplete items to the top of the list for the next day.
  7. Add new items to the bottom of the list.
  8. Repeat tomorrow.

I'm at my best when I both know what I need to do and can offload what I don't need to immediately do to the list.

Does this really help?

Yeah it does, when I am consistent and diligent about these things. Am I? No. But I'm trying.

My dad was around my age when he told me to get organized. I almost took it as a personal attack at the time. He was just warning me. He had spent years being bitten by disorganized times and was trying to help me avoid the same fate. I still learned this the hard way, but I'm better off for it. Thanks Dad, I appreciate you.